Words That Win: What to Say to Get What You Want

WordsThatWin_72dpi 2013

Conversation expert, Don Gabor, tells you how to assert yourself and get what you want —from a better job to a better table a t a restaurant. If you’ve struggled to find the right way to communicate in business, consumer and social situations, Word That Win show you how to:


  • get along with difficult coworkers and clients
  • close more sales and make more money
  • return an unsatisfactory product or restaurant meal
  • ask for a date and know what to talk about
  • get to know your neighbors and make friends
  • build better business, social and personal relationships

Words That Win offers the answer to that question and supplies the perfect words, phrases, opening lines, scenarios, along with plenty of ex­amples to get what you want in every aspect of your life—in your career with your boss and coworkers, in your social and personal life with friends and as a consumer in the marketplace. With plenty of strategies, tips, examples and scripts you, too, will sound more confident, competent and poised every time you speak.


Don has presented his communication programs and services to...

  • Genre
  • FM Global
  • Marriott
  • simonschuster_logo
  • Genre
  • Genre