Robert E. Bliss

“My phone sessions with Don were one of the best investments I ever made. Every few weeks, I would describe social situations I had coming up, and Don would walk me through potential problems with practical, down-to-earth advice. Whether it was attending a church social, an art exhibition, a professional society dinner, or the inevitable company Christmas party, Don walked me through each event in advance and followed up with me afterwards. Over the course of a few months on the phone with Don, I went from feeling awkward to using the skills without thinking about them. Now, instead of feeling increasing dread as a social event approaches, I can look forward to learning and growing in each new social setting.
I highly recommend Don Gabor’s books and his counseling sessions to those with discomfort in social settings or those who just want to “brush up” on their social skills.”
Robert E. Bliss,
Development Supervisor, Control Center, Shell Pipeline Company LP…